Simple yet Smart Ways you can opt to Protect Environment

Nature is no one’s property to be destroyed; it’s everyone’s property to protect. But, we are ever so dependent on government authorities and special agencies to work towards environmental preservation. However, It’s significant that we as a species have realized that we do not inherit the environment from our ancestors. But rather borrow it from the generations to come.
Our contribution towards the environmental issues needn’t necessarily involve huge campaigns, strikes, rallies, or any large-scale events involving the masses. Even a small piece of writing, aimed at creating awareness among the masses and raising the voice of the voiceless, can be influential in bringing about significant changes in the mindsets of the people.
Environmental Conservation
There are many ways you may do your part to support environmental conservation, and, to be honest, most of them only demand that you go about your normal business. Simply having the will to work toward ecosystem preservation and the desire to change yourself into someone who cares about the environment, thinks sustainably, works sustainably, and makes sure that his actions don’t negatively affect the lives of the billions of other creatures who share this planet and its environment. If we want to see a safe and secure Earth in the future, we must all start making the effort now. This calls for the immediate attention of all.
The key to a green and clean future lies in one word- Sustainability. It deals with the ability to utilize the natural resources in a way that helps in fulfilling our current requirements and doesn’t impact the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs using these resources provided by the nature.
Here are 5 ways in which you can help protect the environment:-
1) ELVS Method
Here’s an easy technique you may employ to ensure that you’re supporting initiatives to make the planet a greener and more sustainable place to live. Explore, Learn, Volunteer, Spread is the ELVS method. Go ahead and explore the issue, the instances of climate change, regular news updates about natural calamities that point towards environmental changes, learn about such problems and ways to tackle them, volunteer to participate in campaigns, and projects working for this cause, and get associated with an organization working on this topic to get better exposure, and finally spread, spread the message, spread awareness among the people you know regarding this issue that requires our immediate attention and action.
2) Understand and follow the 5 R’s
This would be known to a major proportion of people here, the 5 R’s are Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle.
Refuse– Learn to say ‘NO’, to the items that can be influential in causing harm to the environment around. Say no to single-use plastic, plastic straws, plastic bags, and other such items.
Reduce– Stop buying things you don’t need and won’t even glance at after you get them. Be a rational, efficient and aware consumer. Try to incorporate the principle of ‘Simple Living and High Thinking’ into your everyday lifestyle.
Reuse– Reuse the products you have already put to some use, they can reduce the amount of waste you generate into the environment every day. If something breaks, try to mend it rather than buy a new set of items.
Repurpose– The basic idea behind repurposing is that the items that were meant for some other use, can be used for other ones. In the environmental community, this is also known as upcycling. Accordingly, Just think out of the box, as to where could you probably put a leftover bottom piece of a bottle to use.
Recycle – Recycle things would mean very much as the term itself suggests, it’s a way to be more environmental friendly. You can go ahead and recycle any item or product that has such an option.
3) Shop Wisely
Be aware and a rational consumer, focus on purchasing judiciously. Think sustainable, buy sustainable, and live sustainable. You can opt for sustainable clothes (sustainable fashion is gaining the due attention of pupils, eco-fashion is in great trend), sustainable appliances, sustainable regular use products like diaries, pens, goggles, etc.
4) Opt for Renewable Energy Sources
Transform your mindsets and switch over to more renewable sources of energy. That help protects the ecosystem and aren’t influential in causing environmental degradation in any respect. These sources could include wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectric power, etc.
5) Discourage the consumption of environmentally unfavorable products
It is necessary to ban products that use a significant amount of plastic and whose production endangers the planet’s flora and fauna. Products can be produced in many ways that harm marine life. Resulting in the loss of several plants and animals, or completely deplete natural resources.
Final Words
These are just simple ways to incorporate sustainability into your everyday lifestyle. So to contribute towards ecosystem preservation, which is the need of the hour. Just aim to create a change, first in yourself and then in the mindsets of the people around you. Even through your own example, write-ups, news instances, etc.
So as to ensure that we can create a society where each citizen can understand his or her responsibility towards this Planet and towards nature. So we could all collectively work towards creating a cleaner, greener, and sustainable planet.