Business maybe I should have gone with the other choice, or maybe I should have had some food in the house or something, the scene will happen when. I don’t think it will. It’s just when I’m really, really hungry and I just don’t have the time to make a decent meal right then.

That’s when I make myself go to the store and buy myself some food. It’ ‘s one of those little, um, quirk of mine that I have gotten. A a lot better over the years. And it works for me. If I don’t have a scene that hits me by itself, it will usually hit me in a scene with another character.

For example, it will come out of nowhere, and suddenly it’s like, oh, he’s talking about the time they all went out, or she’s talking about him and she wants him to do this or do that. And I’ll just, it’s like, okay. need to write a scene like this. I need to talk about the way he feels about her. I need to talk about how she’s feeling and the way they feel about each other, and the conversation will be like, you know what.


I think maybe we’re going to see a little in this scene. Or I will write a scene with this character and her sister and it will just kind of happen in a conversation. And then. will take it from there. Don’t have to spend a ton of time writing it out, because I already wrote the dialog. I already know it.

It’s like, I’ll just put it on paper, and then I will go back and I’ll just edit, and I’ll be like, yeah, I’m pretty much just fine with the dialogue, the dialogue is fine, but I feel like they should be about to kiss and then something happens. And then maybe she says something, you know. I’m fine with the way they’re talking, but I feel like something happens, and I feel like that’s the way I need to add this. I’ll just have that moment. That’s what will happen sometime

Business risk

If I don’t have a scene that come out of nowhere and hits me, it will usually come out of the scene, and then the scene will get cut, and it will say, she talking about. The time she and her friends went out, and then.  You’ll have a small scene with her at home, and then another scene with her when she goes out. And then there’s one with him, and then the scene kind of slowly moves back to where it was.

And then it will be like, well, maybe I’m done with this scene, because I kind of stop writing it about three months ago, and I’m just going to go back and start again. So business risk profile.

We assess S-Oil’s business risk profile as “satisfactory”. S-Oil is one of the large integrat oil companie in Korea with a large and diverse range of refining and petrochemical asset. S-Oil is also engag in marketing, trading, and distribution of petroleum product and petroleum product feedstock.


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