
Green Supply Chain Management, the future of logistics?

Issues related to the preservation of the environment are gradually contributing to modifying the ways of thinking and acting, not only of individuals but also of businesses. With global warming accelerating, more and more researchers and scientists in all fields consider that adaptation to climate change will be the main challenge of the 21st century, at economic, social and environmental level.

And this inevitably requires the implementation of innovative strategies to combat CO2 emissions and the development of a new way of managing companies in a more socially responsible way . For example by fighting against waste .

Green Supply Chain Management and environment

Globally, industry in general is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases . Everything related to the life cycle of manufactured products and the transport of goods is therefore at the heart of a gigantic problem of planetary scope.
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Issues related to the preservation of the environment are gradually contributing to modifying the ways of thinking and acting, not only of individuals but also of businesses. With global warming accelerating, more and more researchers and scientists in all fields consider that adaptation to climate change will be the main challenge of the 21st century, at economic, social and environmental level.

And this inevitably requires the implementation of innovative strategies to combat CO2 emissions and the development of a new way of managing companies in a more socially responsible way . For example by fighting against waste .

Green Supply Chain Management and environment

Globally, industry in general is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases . Everything related to the life cycle of manufactured products and the transport of goods is therefore at the heart of a gigantic problem of planetary scope.

How to define in a few words the concept of Green Supply Chain Management ? This consists of integrating the preservation of the environment at all stages of the management of the supply chain, which includes supplies, conception and design, sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing processes, deliveries, flows return (packaging and after-sales service) and of course the recycling of end-of-life products.

The interest for companies of Green Supply Chain Management

Reducing the carbon footprint mobilizes many leaders who see it as a double opportunity .

First , the company must anticipate the changes to come, and the implementation of a more ecological management of the supply chain truck dispatch service is inevitably part of it. It is therefore preferable to behave as a leader and to anticipate rather than submit to the regulations that will intervene sooner or later without being prepared for them. Moreover, as we will see in the following paragraph, ecology and economy are not incompatible, it is surprising to note to what extent the pursuit of environmental objectives can join that of profitability objectives.

Secondly , the implementation of a strategy based on sustainable development has become an important factor in conveying and maintaining the image of a corporate citizen and maintaining consumer confidence.

The measures to be put in place

Several links in the supply chain must be taken into account when a company wishes to set up an efficient Green Supply Chain :

  • the sourcing of raw materials,
  • supplies,
  • conception and design,
  • packaging,
  • manufacturing processes,
  • the deliveries,
  • management of after-sales service and spare parts,
  • recycling of end-of-life products.

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