When creating your web hosting designs, pay special attention to the characteristics listed below. If your web hosting website is missing these features, the WHMCS templates we’ll talk about in the next section can help.
The purpose of web hosting design is to captivate the user’s attention, deliver relevant information, and encourage conversion. It seems like a task that should be easy enough, doesn’t it? But so many web hosts fail at doing this right. I’ve tested numerous web hosts before finding one that I can send clients to without much worry. Web Hosting Design became my new obsession, and I ended up contacting them to do my podcast website templates as well as this website.
Here are some of the points to keep in mind while designing a website.
1. Appealing Design
Even you will not enjoy a website that lacks color, graphics, or typography. You must select a web hosting theme that guarantees a clean, appealing, and well-organized appearance that will impress your visitors and potential clients. Also, create a hosting website that exactly reflects your company’s style.
2. User Experience
You must make certain that your web hosting website provides an excellent, not simply a good, user experience. The first point to keep in mind is the responsiveness of your website. While the majority of your visitors are likely to use desktop computers to view your website, you should not disregard those who use tablets or smartphones.
Another important part of the user experience is the speed with which your website loads, which should, of course, be quick. Why? If a potential buyer is seeking fast hosting for his website, he will not trust a hosting provider like you with a slow-loading website.
Consider using a WHMCS Custom template that guarantees the high-quality website performance that your company and visitors deserve.
3. WHMCS Integration
The most important requirement for any website owner is to have a good administration solution for customizing and managing their site. WHMCS is also worth mentioning when it comes to website management. WHMCS, or web host manager, is a complete solution for managing your hosting business.
The WHMCS templates featured in this blog are well-designed and of high quality.
4. Site Navigation
Make your visitors’ trip across your website as simple as possible. As a result, you must make sure that all of the services you provide are easy to use on both desktop and mobile devices. Include price and company options on the first page so that potential buyers may quickly learn about them and decide whether or not to pursue them. While improving the site’s navigability, don’t forget about the user experience.
5. Easy Customization
Even in the case of websites, change is unavoidable. At any point, you may feel compelled to make modest to large modifications to your site’s appearance or operation. Choose a web hosting theme that allows you to make basic changes to your website.
So, these are some of the best WHMCS Themes you should consider for your web hosting designs. Get the WHMCS theme for your website and make it ready for your web hosting business.