The Importance of Guna in Kundali matching – A Detailed Look at 3 Kootas
Kundali Matching is a unique feature of Indian astrology. In this process, the horoscopes of both the boy and the girl are analyzed for compatibility.
Kundali Matching is a system created by the renowned Vedic astrologers of ancient India. They were sages and wrote sacred texts, which are used even today for making astrological calculations. Their formulas can predict whether two horoscopes are a good match for marriage with a good degree of accuracy.
Ashtakoot Guna Milan is the system that is commonly used for this purpose. It consists of 8 kootas or clusters. By matching these kootas, a score is arrived at for the two horoscopes. The total number of points is 36. Higher scores indicate good compatibility for marriage, while lower scores indicate poor compatibility. A minimum of 18 points are needed for the marriage alliance to be considered. If the score is below 18, it does not augur well for a happy marriage, and the marriage is not likely to take place.
Here are 3 of the 8 clusters or kootas for analyzing marriage compatibility.
Graha Maitri Koota
This cluster or koota indicates the friendship as well as mental compatibility between the couple who wish to marry. If a couple can become good friends easily, and if they have similar views and ideas, it is good for their married life. Getting a high score here implies that quarrels and conflicts may be less. Both people will have a similar approach to life.
Graha means ‘planet’. Planets can be friendly, hostile, or neutral to each other. If the planets in the boy’s birth chart are friendly with the planets in the girl’s chart, the Graha Maitri guna score will be high. But, if the planet is neutral, the score will be average. If the planets of both are hostile, Graha Maitri guna score will be low.
If the planetary lord of the couple’s Moon signs (Rashis) is Jupiter, Graha Maitri guna will be 5 out of 5 points.
Bhakoot Koota
This is the 7th test in the Ashtakoot Guna Milan. This test reveals matters related to the health and finances of both the boy and the girl. This is an important factor. The quality of the marriage will be greatly impacted if either the boy or the girl has severe health or money problems.
If the Rashi lords of both the boy and girl are identical, then full Bhakoot points of 7/7 are given. There is no dosha, either. If the Rashi lords are enemies, then they get low scores. If the lords are neutral, the score is average.
Varna koota
This test is to find out the overall character compatibility. There are 4 varnas in Hindu culture. They are Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra. Brahmana is the highest, and Shudra is the lowest in terms of importance. Based on the nakshatras, an astrologer determines what varna the horoscope belongs to. If the couples belong to the same varna, the score will be high. If the varnas are different, the score will be low. The rule is that the groom’s varna should not be lower than the girl’s.
Is Kundali Matching relevant in modern times?
Science and modern technology have changed the world in remarkable ways. But many people still swear by astrology and its relevance to their lives. It’s also true that many people increasingly prefer love marriages to arranged marriages. In a love marriage, the couple may not doubt that they are compatible and may feel that there is no need to do <strong>Kundali Matching before tying the knot.
But life is unpredictable. People change, and so do circumstances. For instance, a couple may be well-off financially when they get married. But due to external circumstances that they cannot control, they may have financial problems due to loss of job, bad investments, etc. Or, take the issue of health. When they get married, both may be in the pink of health. But later on, one partner may develop a life-threatening illness. It could also be the case that they cannot have progeny. These are all things that we cannot foresee in advance, but nevertheless, they can affect the marriage severely.
Through Kundali Matching, such problems can be identified in advance. The couple may still choose to get married, but at least they will be prepared for the bad times and can plan accordingly. They can also perform remedies to lessen the negative impact of Doshas.
Having a low score on any of these gunas need not be a dampener on your wedding plans or indicate a bad match. If there are other good Yogas, the horoscopes can still be matched despite the Doshas.