Maltese Dog Puppy

Maltese Dog At a glance
If you want to know more about the Maltese dog then you can read these topics. By reading this topic you will know about the Maltese dog. The Maltese are one of the highly valued dogs in our society. The body of the Maltese is compact. We can see that their shoulder blades are sloping. The back of the Maltese dog is level. The Maltese tail is carried over the back nicely. The structure of the Maltese neck is very elegant and it promotes the high carriage of the head. We can see that the Maltese skull is strongly rounded.
Weight Range: Male is 4 Ibs and Female is 4 Ibs.
Height at Witness: Male is 10 in and Female is 9 in.
Features: Naturally Floppy ears.
Expectations: They need 20 minutes of exercise in a day. Their energy level is very energetic. Maltese dog longevity range is 12-14. Their tendency to drool is low, and their tendency to the bank is also low. Their social attention needs are very high. Coat length is long and has straight characteristics. Color is white and grooming needs high.
History of the Maltese Dog
The Maltese dog is one of the aristocrats in the world. It seems that these dogs come from Malta. In society Maltese is one of the valuable dogs. These dogs are very popular with women because they easily carry them in their bosoms. These are also popular for their small size. In 1792, it was mentioned “the size of squirrels” by the botanist Linnaeus. These were white color Maltese when they were first exhibited in the USA. Maltese dog was first listed as a “Maltese Lion dog” at Westminster and it was 1877 AD. Then when it was 1888, “These were registered by the American Kennel Club”.
Maltese dogs are gentle dogs. They are affectionate and intelligent also. We can see them responsive and trusting. You can consider them a good family dog. These dogs are lively. Usually all of the Maltese enjoy learning tricks. When Maltese dogs guess an unfamiliar noise, they respond with a flurry of barking.
Maltese Dog Look Like: Grooming
Maltese dogs have long coat that requires regular grooming. They must be bathed at least twice a year and be brushed daily. Maltese should be cleaned regularly and have its eyes checked regularly. They need a lot of attention and should be kept clean at all times. A Maltese can weigh nine to 11 pounds. They are also excellent for allergy-sufferers as they can be very playful and affectionate.
The Maltese are hard-working, small dogs. Its head is slightly rounded, and the skull is slightly rounded on top. The ears are medium length, and they are erect and feathered. The tail is long, with a plump, single-layer coat. This is a characteristic of this breed.
Final of about Maltese Dog.
If you want to own a Maltese dog, you can. The Maltese dog can be your and your family’s company which helps feel you and your family happy. Thanks for your attention.