Home Improvement

How to Identify Different Types of Lawn Disease

You know how difficult it can be to keep your lawn green and healthy if you are a homeowner. Lawn diseases can cause brown or rusty spots, especially when they strike. Many factors can cause lawn disease, depending on where you live. Lawn disease can be caused by various factors, including too little or too much water. Effective treatment begins with identifying the specific fungi causing the problem and treating it accordingly.

Landscaping specialists, such as landscaping in Bourne MA, can help you identify and fix any problems with your lawn. This article will provide an extensive lawn disease identification chart covering your area’s most common lawn diseases. We will also discuss the symptoms and possible treatment options for each condition.

Different types of Lawn Fungus

Many fungi can cause lawn damage. These fungi can mildly impact your lawn, such as a few brown spots or even complete lawn destruction. Therefore, it is essential to identify and treat lawn diseases early.

What is Brown Patch Lawn Disease?

Brown patch lawn disease is when you see large, brown patches on your lawn. This aspect is caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia Solani which thrives in hot, humid environments. Brown patch lawn disease is more common in spring and autumn. These symptoms are indicators of brown patch lawn disease.

  • Two to eight feet in diameter, oval- or circular-shaped brown patches
  • There are patches of brown grass surrounded by a green circle.
  • Broken or wilted grass blades

Water your lawn correctly to treat brown patch lawn diseases. If this doesn’t work, you can apply a fungicide. Follow the instructions on the label.

What is the Most Common Lawn Disease?

One of the most prevalent diseases in America is Dollar spot lawn disease. It is caused by a type of fungi called Sclerotinia heteroeocarpa and usually occurs in the late spring or early Summer. Dollar spot lawn disease is more common in drought-stressed or unproperly fertilized lawns. These are the symptoms that will help you identify dollar spot lawn diseases.

  • The brown spots are small and round, measuring one and four inches in diameter.
  • There are patches of brown grass surrounded by a yellow glow.
  • Broken or stunted grass blades

To treat dollar spot lawn diseases, you will need to use fungicides. Follow the instructions carefully. Apply the fungicide at night or early morning when it is cooler.

How to identify a Fairy Ring

A type of fungi called Marasmius causes fairy ring grass disease. It usually occurs in the late spring or early Summer. Fairy ring disease is more common in lawns located in shaded areas or with poor drainage. These are the symptoms of fairy ring disease.

  • Two to eight feet in diameter, circular or ring-shaped brown patches
  • There are patches of brown grass surrounded by a green circle.
  • The affected area may be home to mushrooms or fungi.

You may have to cut the grass to treat fairy ring lawn diseases. Then, replace the damaged areas with healthy sod. It may also be possible to treat the condition with a fungicide. Make sure you choose a product rated to deal with this specific fungus.

Is Pythium Blight Disease a Threat to My Lawn?

Pythium blight occurs when a type of fungi is called Pythium. Pythium blight is most common in the late spring and early summer. It’s more common in lawns with poor drainage or in shaded areas. You can use the following symptoms to identify pythium disease:

  • Water-logged patches appear as small, brown spots.
  • Patches of grass become yellowed or brown and then die.
  • The affected area may emit a musty odor.

You will need to use a fungicide to treat pythium-blight. Only a professional landscaper should apply the fungicides necessary to treat this condition. If you decide to apply the fungicides yourself, read and follow all instructions carefully. You may need to use the fungicide every two weeks until the disease has gone.

Can Drought Lead to Lawn Disease?

A fungus called Erysiphe graminis causes powdery mildew lawn diseases. This disease is most common in the late spring and early summer. It’s more common in lawns that are not well ventilated or have been subject to drought stress. You can use the following symptoms to identify powdery mildew lawn diseases:

  • The leaves of the grass will show white or grayish-white powdery growth.
  • Discolored or stunted grass blades
  • There are patches of yellow or brown grass.

You can treat powdery mildew lawn diseases by opening your lawn to sunlight and air. To allow more sunlight to penetrate your yard, it is a good idea to aerate it as often as possible and trim back trees and shrubs. You should also ensure that you don’t overwater your lawn as this could lead to lawn diseases.

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