7 Simple Steps To Do Your Facial Massage At Home

Facial massage is an exercise for these muscles. As exercise benefits our body in many ways, facial massage also helps to relax facial muscles and increase blood circulation. A facial massage not only relieves stress, but it also increases circulation, gives your skin an instant lift and even helps your products absorb better. Facial massages have been around forever, and have only recently started to gain popularity. Some people also do facial yoga for similar benefits. Facial massage not only helps your skin but also has a relaxing effect on your nervous system. It also helps reduce anxiety. After a stressful day at work, a facial massage with the right facial oil can be relaxing.
1) Start with the clean
Before you start massaging in your favorite serum or moisturizer, make sure you’re refreshed and cleansed. Use our wash to soften your pores without causing any irritation. Best Smelling Shampoo
2) Apply your cream, and move upwards for the perfect facial massage.
Next up in our guide on how to give yourself a facial massage, do you already do it regularly! Make sure you apply your go-to serum or moisturizer so your massage efforts can continue uninterrupted. Once your skin is cleansed and prepped, you’re ready to get to work. Choose the specific face oil. Focus on some lymphatic drainage to make your skin glow. Start in the center of your face, and work outwards to bleed.
3) Be gentle around these cute peepers.
You’ll want to focus your facial massage on getting the blood flowing upwards. Doing so ultimately results in younger looking skin in the long run. You pay close attention to the delicate skin around your eyes. Be gentle with your under eyes! Also, make sure you have enough moisturizer on the area so that your fingers glide easily while massaging. No tugging, or rough movements are allowed when it comes to these beautiful-eyed babies.
4) Begin by massaging the lymph area.
Start by activating your lymphatic system. Using your fingertips, massage the lymph nodes below your ears and on the sides of your neck. Use wide circles starting from below your ears towards your throat and back up along your jaw line. This will encourage growth, causing you to feel bloated or swollen to continue moving.
5) Focus on the sides of your face.
Use circular motions to massage the perimeter of your face along the sides of your jaw and above your cheekbones. This will help lift the sagging skin and prevent the skin from sagging further. Repeat for two to three minutes, focusing on the areas where you hold the most tension (usually around the jaw).
6) Smooth forehead lines.
Press your fingers between your eyebrows and slowly slide them across your forehead. Repeat this motion on your forehead, gently pulling the skin up and out. Massaging against the lines (rather than into them) will help smooth them in the right direction.
7) Use The Gentle Pressure.
You want to apply enough pressure that you can really feel and move the muscles under the skin. Brian advises: “When it comes to massaging, work with the muscles, not just the skin surface, and use pressure with purpose.” Don’t be too hard on your skin.
There are many techniques you can use to massage your face such as stroking, finger kneading, circular motions and vibration. Choose one of these techniques or use a combination of them for best results. Keep applying light pressure evenly.
Which oil should be used for facial massage?
Now let’s talk about some oils, and you can choose based on your skin type. Choosing the right type of facial massage oil or serum can be a game changer. Not all oils are suitable for facial massage. Depending on your skin’s dry, acne-prone, oil type, it’s important to choose the most suitable oil to avoid breakouts, unwanted acne, or allergic skin reactions. You can use Almond Oil , Tea Tree Oil , Coconut Oil etc.
Benefits Of Facial Massage
Skin concerns and conditions do not just affect the roof. On the contrary, they completely spread the foundation. When we apply active and targeted pressure on the facial muscles, we are capable of treating skin conditions from the foundation, which produce better and lasting results. Take a close look at the benefits of facial massage here for the skin.
The small result of maximum blood flow is a sharp brightness. As the blood level increases, the skin emerges. The long -term result is the maximum efficient collagen and production. Our faces have a lot of pressure on our faces from flavored bridges to complex lips and clinic jaws. When the muscles under our skin (about 43 43) are young and strong, they can bounce quickly with facial stress. Massage also helps increase the penetration of active ingredients in your skin care. Heat that is produced by the heat of your hands and activation of facial muscles gives the skin the ability to absorb the product. This increases the performance and effectiveness of key ingredients as they can easily reach the deep layers of the skin.