The Amazing facts of the Holy Quran

Have you read the Holy Quran? You must realize that Allah revealed the Quran to the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the last message to humanity. The Holy Quran teaches believers how to live, embrace, and grow their faith.
To aid, we’ve compiled crucial Quran facts. Here are some Quran facts you should learn through online Quran classes for kids in the UK explained by an online Quran teacher.
Key Quran facts
Important and intriguing Quran facts. They’ll emphasize certain things you should know before memorizing the Quran. The Quran’s facts are:
Ramadan saw the Quran’s revelation.
23 years passed between Quran revelations (13 years in the city of Makah and 10 years in the city of Medina)
Jazz are 30 sections of the Holy Quran.
It has 114 chapters. Surah are Makki and Madani chapters. 86 Mecci and 28 Medina Surah.
Surah Al-Baqarah is longest.
Surah Al-Kawther is the shortest.
Even one letter of the Quran will earn you 10 prizes.
Some Quran facts
The Holy Quran repeats Tasmia 114 times.
Surah Tauba does not begin with Bismillah.
Surah Namal repeats Bismillah.
The Quran recommends milk as a drink and honey as nourishment.
The Quran calls Ramadan the best month and Laylatul Qadar the best night.
Allah dislikes divorce, even though it’s permissible for couples.
The Holy Quran mentions the Prophet 4 times.
The Holy Quran mentions 25 of 124,000 Prophets.
Surah Yaseen is the Quran’s heart.
1/3 of the Quran is Surah Al-Ikhlas.
Man and woman appear 24 times each.
Surah Al Nisa discusses marriage laws.
Other Quran facts.
103 languages have Quran transcripts.
After the Holy Prophet’s death, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) compiled the Quran (PBUH).
Millions love the Quran.
Jibraeel revealed the Quran (Gabriel)
Ramadan saw the first revelation.
The Quran mentions itself 70 times.
The longest Quran verse is 282, Ayat ul Kursi.
Quran only mentions Friday.
Quran facts.
Here are some surprising Quran facts you may not know.
1) Other Names for the Quran
Dhikr (Meaning: the Reminder)
Burhan (Meaning: the clear argument)
Al-FURQAN (Meaning: the Criterion – Judging right from wrong)
AL-HUDA (Meaning: the Guidance)
AHAQ (Meaning: the Truth)
Al-Muayiza (Meaning: the Admonition)
Al-Nur (Meaning: the Light) (Meaning: the Light)
Al-Rahman (Meaning: the Mercy) (Meaning: the Mercy)
Al-Shifa (Meaning: the Healing) (Meaning: the Healing)
2) The Quran and Bible have parallels.
The Quran contains Bible-like facts. The Bible references Angel Gabriel (Jibrael) multiple times, most notably when he told Virgin Mary she would have Jesus ( Hazrat Isa).
Jibrael (Gabriel) brought Allah’s revelations to Muhammad (SAWW).
Both the Quran and Bible mention the afterlife, judgment day, and paradise.
3) Over 20 years, the Quran was revealed.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) received his first revelation at age 40. The verse-by-verse revelations took 23 years.
4) Surah backgrounds
Some Surahs have contexts. Surah Al-Ikhlas, a Mecci Surah, was revealed when the Quraish (non-Muslim adversaries of the Prophet (PBUH)) queried the Prophet about Allah and how He was made and who He is. Surah Ikhlas was revealed in response. The Surah emphasizes Allah’s oneness and mentions (Ahad), from which Tawheed is derived. Abu Jahl and Wald ibn Mughayrah called the Prophet Abtar because he had no son. When a man’s lineage ended, Arabs called him “abtar.”
Allah revealed Surah Kauther in reaction to their taunt, calling them Abtar.
5) Quran’s first and last surahs
Surah Al Alaq (The Clot) is the first Surah of the Holy Quran, revealed as the Prophet prayed in Hira. Surah An Nasr is the last Surah revealed to the Prophet.
6) The Quran supports modern science
The Holy Quran has several scientific wonders. Quran describes huge band theory, big crunch theory, and oceanic division. The Quran mentions meteorite embryology and iron, which had never been thought of previously.
7) The Quran is Memorable
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims memorize the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran was meant to be remembered and passed down.
Muslims can learn about creation and Islamic law by reciting and memorizing the Quran.
100+ languages
The Holy Quran has been translated into 130 languages, as mentioned above. Eight hundred million Bibles have been printed.
9) Pronounce the Quran correctly
Many Muslims learn Tajweed to improve their pronunciation of Allah’s Holy Book, the Quran. Tajweed means “to improve” and correctly pronouncing Arabic phrases and timing syllables. Tajweed ensures the accurate recitation of the Holy Quran
10 The Quran Offers Advice
The Quran contains historical facts and life advice. Quran lists milk and honey as the best drinks and foods. The Quran recommends Ramadan.
11) Keep the Quran
Start a new Quran after reading all 30 portions. It must not look like you’ve stopped reading the Quran. Readers shouldn’t use saliva to turn pages or the Quran as a pillow.
The Quran is helpful in every way. As much as Muslims respect the Holy Quran, some individuals don’t know much about it or the Quran’s facts. Online Quran academy shares these Quran facts through online Quran classes for kids in UK so you can learn about the Holy Book.
Read more articles Our top concern is assisting our pupils in learning the Quran.