ReactJS vs React Native- Their Advantages and Disadvantages

Reactjs and React Native, which is now powering some of the most well-known and frequently used mobile apps and websites. We are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both React.js and React Native here. It should offer you a good idea of their significant benefits and unique characteristics.
What is ReactJS
React JS enables you to write reusable code by acting as a Javascript library. Developers develop interactive components for webpages, online apps, and mobile applications using React code. React JS is a compact JavaScript framework that uses reusable UI components and shortcut routes to accelerate UI development. React JS may be used by all front-end web and mobile applications to manage the view layer.
Benefits of ReactJS
1. Simple to use and easy to learn
ReactJS is a lot simpler to understand and use than other programming languages. Hire a reactJS developer with experience in JavaScript who can pick up React with ease and begin building web applications.
2. Reusable Codes
Each of the several components that make up a ReactJS web application has its own logic and controls. Wherever you need them, you may reuse these parts. Reusable code makes it easier to create and update your apps.
3. SEO Friendly
The speed of your web application is one of the characteristics that has grown in importance over the past several years. It is encouraged to adopt lightweight frameworks as Google’s Web Core Vitals become more significant for visibility in search results. React.js can ensure that the render is completed much more quickly than other frameworks, assuring it functions at incredible speeds and lowering page load time. Although this parameter looks small, it is quite important for your app’s SEO friendliness.
4. Mobile friendly
Without a doubt, using React.js for your development project has several advantages, like being mobile-friendly. Using this framework involves being able to create and deploy cross-platform apps with little or no limitations. This benefit translates directly to a wider audience for your web application, which is a huge benefit for an all-around company project.
5. React.js is realiable
The core of React.js is reliable. Even when your developers start changing the structure of the product, the other components stay the same, letting you make adjustments as you go. React.js is a good option for business apps that prioritize stability and user-friendliness over all other factors because of all these reliability benefits.
Limitation of ReactJS
1. Lack of documentation
Unfortunately react technologies, according to some developers, are evolving and growing so quickly that there isn’t enough time to properly define them or provide instructions. The only resources remaining for developers are uncovering text guidelines.
2. Use of JSX
ReactJS is using JSX.It is a syntactic addition that allows HTML and JavaScript to coexist. Although this method has advantages of its own, some individuals in the development community see JSX as a barrier, particularly for new developers. The learning curve’s difficulty is a cause of complaints from developers.
3. Lacks user interface
There are several tools included with ReactJS for creating and designing user interfaces. ReactJS development is exclusively in charge of the user interface To build the model and run the control system, the developers will need to use additional tools. To create a successful app, you’ll need to use additional tools to manage other key elements like the data storage and backend.
What is React Native
Building natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android is possible with the help of the well-known JavaScript-based mobile app framework known as React Native. The framework enables you to create an application on a range of platforms using the same codebase. React Native is a JavaScript framework for developing genuine, natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android. It targets mobile platforms rather than browsers while being based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript toolkit for developing user interfaces. Using the known and loved JavaScript framework, web developers can now create mobile applications that actually look and feel native.
(Also Read- Future Scope of React Native for Mobile App Development)
Benefits of React Native
1. Reuse of codes
The same code may be applied to iOS and Android devices using React Native. As a consequence, saves a lot of money and time for development. In reality, the cost savings will be slightly less, but they will still be more than compelling enough to justify the price. Most of the code can be reused across Android and iOS, according to current estimations, although it would be good to factor in some extra time for useful modifications.
2. Live reload functionality
You can see and interact with changes in real time with React Native’s live reload functionality. While the app is loaded, you may make changes to the code, and they will automatically update the app. To speed up the compilation, you may also reload a specific region of change.
3. Cost efficient
React Native allows for code reuse, which may cut development expenses by up to 40%. The app doesn’t need to be developed by two separate Android and iOS dev teams. React Native includes a tonne of pre-built components as well, which speeds development even more.
4. Use of third-party plugins
React Native provides a variety of third-party plugin solutions, including JavaScript-based and native modules, because creating an app from scratch may be costly. By reducing the need for certain web view capabilities, third-party plugins boost the app’s functionality and efficiency.
Limitation of React Native
1. Not efficient for complex interface
React Native may not be the best option for you if your mobile app needs capabilities like multiple screen transitions, animations, and interactions. React Native is not used to creating mobile apps with complex motions.
2. Update new version is challenging
Updating the program to the newest React Native version is challenging. Most of the time, updating React Native versions is a challenging procedure.
3. Only used for rendering purposes
The only use of React Native is for rendering. It largely relies on external libraries. This has both positive and negative aspects. The ability to select third-party libraries is available to developers, but it may also be difficult.
Reactjs and React Native are key pillars for both app and web development, and they are both gaining ground steadily because of their adaptable functionality and expanding ecosystem of libraries. Although Reactjs is essentially a JavaScript library and React Native is the whole framework, the first is the brains of the latter and they operate well together.