Laughter Yoga And Amazing Their Benefits

Laughter yoga or Hasan yoga is an amazing yoga and very beneficial yoga for everyone. It is a very easy yoga that anyone can do. This is a very joyful, playful, simple, and fun type of yoga. In this yoga, people laugh without any reason and make eye contact with each other, and start laughing. It is a type of yoga in which you don’t have to do any extra physical effort you just have to put your hands together and start laughing without any reason. It is said that it is the best type of yoga to get out of a stressful life.
Benefits of laughter yoga or laughing yoga:
Improves Immunity system
Laughter yoga helps to improve your immunity as when you laugh the happy center of the brain starts up and releases endorphins that reduce the pain. Endorphins are also called natural painkillers. It gives the brain a positive and happy message and helps to decrease the level of pain.
Blood Pressure
Laughter yoga helps to control the blood pressure level, cortisol, the stress hormone. It is also a type of aerobic exercise as in this yoga you burn calories.
Helps to get relief from pain
Laughter yoga is also called a natural painkiller, as it decreases stress, anxiety, and pressure and keeps us happy. When we do laughter yoga by your laugh the brain releases endorphins, that work as a natural painkiller and can help to get out of chronic pain.
Protects heart and lungs
When we perform laughter yoga by our laugh the heart rate and oxygen level of our body increase and improve the function of blood vessels and blood circulation. Laughter yoga can reduce the chances of heart attack, lung problems, and cardiovascular problems.
Helps to Decreases Depression
In this generation the most common and fastest increasing disease is depression. Depression is now becoming a problem for everyone because of this busy, and stressful life. People have forgotten to laugh and laugh yoga is the best way to help you to come out of the problem of depression and overthinking. When you do laughter yoga you laugh and by your laughing brain gets positive signals and increases happy hormones. That helps you to stay happy all time and keeps you away from depression and overthinking.
Decreases the Stress level
Laughter yoga helps you to decrease the level of stress and helps you to stay happy and healthy. According to research, it is seen that the person who does laughter yoga faces fewer problems of stress.
Laughter yoga helps to increase your concentration level. When you feel happy and relaxed your brain will automatically work fastly and you can concentrate on your work.
Yoga has so many benefits and it is uncountable, and practicing yoga can keep you healthy, fit, and energetic. Yoga helps you to get out of stress, pain, and depression and provides you with peace. It makes your life healthy and happier. Yoga is an easy way to live a long and healthy life.