How To Convert MKV Files to MP4 Format for Streaming
You’ve probably heard it before but it bears repeating. The Internet is a big place. There are lots of different websites with lots of different content types. That’s why you might find your streaming service only accepts files in one format or another that you don’t have access to. If you want to enjoy all the content available online, you need to be able to convert your videos from one file type to another so you can stream them on different sites. There are many reasons why this might be necessary, but one of the most common examples is if you use a different streaming service than your friends and family because they have an account with a video streaming site that requires MP4 files instead of MKV files. Here is how to convert MKV files to MP4 format for streaming:
What is MKV?
MKV stands for “matroska”, which is a file container format initially designed for use with video. MKV is popular due to the fact that it can hold different types of video, audio, and even subtitle data together in one container file. When downloading MKV files, you may notice that they have one or more .mkv files as well as one or more .ass and/or .srt files. The .mkv files are the actual video file itself, and the .ass and .srt files are for subtitles. When it comes to streaming, however, not all streaming sites support MKV files. This is because some streaming sites require MP4 files, which are a different file format that’s commonly used for streaming video.
Converting MKV to MP4
There are a couple of free online tools that can help you convert MKV to MP4. These tools are called “conversion tools” or “online video converters”. Converting your MKV files to MP4 so that you can stream them to different sites is a simple one-step process. Converting your MKV files to MP4 means that you’ll be able to upload your videos to different sites and streaming services. Before you start converting your MKV files to MP4, you should first make sure that your video is in the highest quality possible. Some video editing software can automatically optimize your video’s quality while converting it to MP4.
If you don’t have video editing software, you can try optimizing your video’s quality manually before you convert it to MP4. First, make sure that your video is an HD quality video. If you’re not sure what quality setting to use, use an HD setting. Second, make sure that your video is under a certain file size. Video file sizes vary depending on the length of your video, but you’ll want to make sure that your video is as close to 100 MB or less. You can use a free online calculator to make sure that your video isn’t too big.
How to Convert MKV Files to MP4 with Freemake
If you want to convert MKV files to MP4 files, then you’ll want to use a video converter like Freemake Converter. Freemake is a free online converter that allows you to convert your MKV files to MP4 files with just a few clicks. First, select your MKV files and click the “Add to Queue” button, which is located at the top of the page. Then, select your desired destination folder for the MP4 files and click “Start”. Once your video has been converted, click “Download” to download the MP4 file.
How to Convert MKV Files to MP4 with FFmpeg
FFmpeg is a free and open-source command-line tool that’s designed to convert video files from one format to another. If you want to convert your MKV files to MP4 files, you can use FFmpeg. First, you’ll need to download and install FFmpeg on your computer. You can find instructions for installing FFmpeg on Windows, MacOS, and Linux on the FFmpeg website. Once FFmpeg is installed on your computer, open up the command prompt and navigate to the folder where your MKV files are located. Then, type the following command into the prompt: “ffmpeg -i [input file path] -c pix_fmt yuv420p [output file path]”.
Final Words
With the help of this article, you can learn how to convert MKV to MP4. You can choose one of the two methods mentioned above to convert your MKV files to MP4. Or you can use a video editing software which can help you to convert MKV to MP4 with ease. After you convert MKV to MP4, you can stream the files on different sites and enjoy your favourite shows and movies.