Travel and Leisure

Exploring Kuwait with an E-Visa: The Hidden Gems of the Middle East

Kuwait, a small yet vibrant country in the Middle East, is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. With its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes, Kuwait offers a unique blend of old and new. What makes it even more accessible for travelers is the availability of an e-Visa, making the journey to this Middle Eastern gem smoother and more convenient.  Also, you can read the Kuwait travel guide here:

Applying for an E-Visa to Kuwait

The State of Kuwait, represented by the Ministry of Interior, offers an e-Visa issuing service. This service allows visitors from various countries, including Australia, Canada, the United States, and many European nations, to apply for a visiting e-Visa. The application process is straightforward and can be completed online, making it easier for travelers to plan their trip. Learn more:

Discovering Kuwait City

Kuwait City, the capital, is a bustling metropolis that beautifully marries tradition with modernity. Here, you can explore the iconic Kuwait Towers, visit the Grand Mosque, or shop at the Souk Al-Mubarakiya, a traditional market where you can buy everything from spices to gold jewelry. The city’s skyline, dominated by modern skyscrapers, is a testament to its economic prosperity and growth.

The Hidden Gems of Kuwait Failaka Island: A Glimpse into Ancient History

Located off the coast of Kuwait City, Failaka Island offers a rare glimpse into the country’s ancient and modern history. The island is steeped in history dating back to the Bronze Age. Wander among the ghostly ruins where civilization flourished for thousands of years. This living museum with its ancient ruins and historical sites is a must-visit for history enthusiasts.

The House of Mirrors: Artistic Splendor in a Residential Area

The Mirror House, located in Kuwait City, showcases a room of mirror mosaics, paintings, and a collection of recycled items. Created by Mrs. Lidia Al Qattan, this artistic splendor offers a unique experience for art lovers. The tour takes a little over two hours and is led primarily by Mrs. Al Qattan herself.

Al Salmi Desert: Stargazing and Tranquility

The Al Salmi Desert offers a serene escape from the bustling city life. It’s a perfect spot for stargazing and experiencing tranquility in the vast expanse of the desert. The clear desert skies offer an unparalleled view of the stars, making it a memorable experience for astronomy enthusiasts.

Jahra Pools Nature Reserve: A Haven for Birdwatchers

The Jahra Pools Nature Reserve is a protected area that is a haven for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts. Home to a variety of bird species, it offers a peaceful day out in nature. It’s a perfect spot for those seeking to connect with nature and enjoy bird watching.

The Scientific Center’s Aquarium: Exploring Marine Life

The Scientific Center’s Aquarium is another hidden gem in Kuwait. It offers visitors a chance to explore marine life and learn about the diverse species that inhabit the world’s oceans. It’s a great place for families and anyone interested in marine biology.


Exploring Kuwait with an e-Visa opens up a world of experiences. From its modern cityscape to its hidden natural and historical gems, offers something for every traveler. So, pack your bags and get ready to discover the hidden gems of the Middle East in Kuwait. Happy travels!

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