Men suffer from a range of health problems that are often overlooked by doctors and go untreated because of a lack of awareness. That’s the main Issues for Men.
Thankfully, many of these issues can be prevented through simple lifestyle changes like eating healthier, exercising and reducing stress. Getting regular checkups is also a great way to catch disease early when it is easier to treat.
Osteoporosis is a common health condition that causes bone loss and increases your risk of breaking a bone. It’s a “silent disease” that often goes undetected, until one of your bones breaks.
If you are at high risk of osteoporosis, talk to your doctor about getting screened for it earlier. A sports medicine specialist can order a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry test to evaluate your bone density.
This painless test compares your results to the average of healthy, age-matched people. If you’re diagnosed with osteoporosis, your doctor may prescribe medications and lifestyle changes to help keep your bones strong.
Bones that break due to osteoporosis can lead to a number of problems. They can weaken your ability to walk and can cause painful fractures of the hip, spine, or wrist.
These breakages can also cause a hunchback, known as kyphosis, and lead to other deformities. They can also cause a reduction in height and decrease your quality of life.
Men who have a family history of osteoporosis or who have low bone mass are at a greater risk for this condition. They should share their family’s history with their doctor to get screened for it early.
Men are more likely than women to get chronic health conditions. These conditions are often related to lifestyle, biological and social factors.
Men may also be more prone to ignoring their health or skipping regular checkups and screenings that can help prevent illness. This “medical gender gap” is real, according to the CDC, and is contributing to a higher death rate among men.
A common health issue to watch out for is diabetes, which affects a person’s ability to use insulin or produce enough of the hormone in the pancreas. Over time, this can cause high blood sugar levels that damage the vessels and nerves that supply blood to the organs in your body.
The disease is a silent killer, and it’s often not detect until complications develop. Over time, it can lead to kidney disease, heart disease, vision problems, and nerve and muscle issues.
The good news is that people with diabetes can control their blood sugar and lower their risk of complications by eating a healthy diet, exercising, taking medications, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake. There are several tests that can give your doctor a clear picture of your blood sugar, including fasting and random blood glucose testing.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, can cause a variety of health issues. It can affect a person’s confidence and lead to relationship problems, and it can be a risk factor for heart disease.
The condition affects a person’s blood flow and nerves, and can be caused by many different things. Treatments usually involve addressing the underlying issue, whether it’s physical or psychological.
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Our doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, that can help to improve your erections. Your doctor will also give you drugs that can treat the underlying cause, such as atherosclerosis (hardening of your arteries).For ED Solution Take this Medician Vidalista 40mg , Vidalista 60mg.
There are several types of ED treatments, and it’s important to talk to your doctor about them all. Your doctor will help you find the best one for you, and explain how each works. They can also answer any questions you have about the medications and other treatment options available.
Cancer is a group of diseases that occur when cells grow out of control, form tumors and may spread to other parts of the body. The rate of new cancer cases is slowly falling, but it’s still a common cause of death.
Men are at a higher risk of developing some types of cancer, such as prostate and skin cancers. These types of cancer can be hard to diagnose, so it’s important to get regular screening tests and check-ups with your provider.
Some of the most common cancers that affect men include lung, colorectal and prostate cancers. You can reduce your risk of these cancers by focusing on a healthy lifestyle, eating well and getting regular screenings with your provider.
Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of death among men, after heart disease. It’s most common in men ages 65 and older, but it can also happen in younger men.
Testicular cancer is another common health issue that affects men, but it’s usually easy to treat if it’s caught early. Human papillomaviruses, which can cause cancer, are also a concern for men. Doctors recommend HPV vaccines for boys ages 11-12 and for men under 27 who have sex with women.
COPD and Other Respiratory Diseases
If you smoke, your risk for COPD is much higher than if you don’t. It also can increas by breathing secondhand smoke and by exposure to air pollution or chemical fumes in the workplace.
The most common types of lung disease caused by smoking are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These diseases cause damage to the walls of tiny air sacs in your lungs.
You can be diagnosed with COPD if you have symptoms like shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing. These signs and symptoms usually worsen over time, so it is important to get treatment as soon as possible.
A doctor can diagnose COPD by asking you questions about your health and your lifestyle. They may also do a physical exam and breathing tests.
If you are diagnos with COPD, you will be referr to a pulmonary rehabilitation program. This will include exercise, counseling, disease management and oxygen therapy.
There are a number of different types of exercise, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about the best workout for you. Cardiovascular exercises, such as walking or jogging, and resistance training with weights or bands are generally recommend.
A new study suggests that men may lower their risk of developing COPD later in life if they practice good fitness habits in middle age. The study found that healthy men who had high heart-lung fitness in midlife had a significantly reduced risk of developing COPD, and a lower risk of death from it.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common health issue among men, and it can be hard to spot. However, it is important to watch for symptoms because it can lead to life-threatening conditions like heart disease and stroke.
The best way to treat high blood pressure is with lifestyle changes and medications. These changes can include losing weight, decreasing salt in your diet and getting more exercise.
You may also need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also important to manage your stress levels and get enough sleep.
If you have high blood pressure, your doctor will likely prescribe medication to help control it. Some people need to take several different types of medication before finding one that is safe and effective for them.
In the long run, controlling your blood pressure can prevent serious health problems and even save your life.
A man with uncontrolled high blood pressure has a much higher risk for kidney disease, coronary artery disease and stroke. It can also cause a buildup of plaque in the arteries that can eventually damage the brain.
High Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy substance that your liver makes to make hormones and vitamin D, and helps you digest fat. It also is found in certain foods, such as eggs and meats.
Having too much cholesterol can cause problems with your heart and other parts of the body. It can lead to heart disease, stroke and peripheral artery disease, which is the narrowing of your blood vessels that reduces circulation.
Your cholesterol levels depend on a combination of factors, including your diet and physical activity level. Your genetics also play a role.
If you have high cholesterol, your doctor may recommend a series of lifestyle changes to help lower your cholesterol. These include a healthy diet, regular exercise, no smoking and weight loss.
You can also improve your cholesterol by reducing the amount of saturated and trans fats in your diet. Saturated fats, found mainly in red meat and full-fat dairy products, raise your total cholesterol level.
Choose lean meats and poultry with skin, avoid processed meats, and eat less than 350g of unprocessed red meat per week. Also choose low-fat, non-dairy milk and yoghurt that contain no added sugar. Eating a moderate amount of fish two to four times a week is a good way to boost your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to lower your cholesterol.
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